Tuesday, November 8, 2011


(Daily Graphic, Nov 7, 2011, Page 18)

THE United States (US) Embassy is partnering with the Northern Regional Library to provide training in online social media and creative writing for students of Senior and Junior High Schools in Tamale.
The training builds the capacity of the students to create blogs and publish their writings online, undertake research online and also utilise the power of social networking sites to sustain relationship with friends, particularly distance pals.
In an interview with the Daily Graphic, the Northern Regional Librarian, Mr Aaron Kuwornu said the library had widened its scope in recent times by making available not only books, buts also computers to users of the library.
He said it was crucial for libraries to be in tune with modern trends by offering opportunities to its patrons to utilise the resource power of computers and the internet.
“In today’s world people can read and learn not only from books, but also from online resources, including internet encyclopaedias, e-books and other e-learning sites,” he noted.
Mr Kuworno said the library had collaborated with a number of organisations to acquire computers for the library.
He mentioned that the computers being used to run an internet café for the library were provided by the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communication (GIFEC).
He said another batch of the library’s computers were provided by the Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL), an international organisation that supports libraries in developing countries to improve citizens’ access to knowledge as a means of contributing to sustainable economic and social development.
Mr Kuworno said since the computers were provided at the library, many young people visited the library more often.
“The computers are now serving as a magnet pulling many young people to the library because these young people are increasingly developing love for the use of computers and the internet,” he stated.
The director however cautioned that although children and the youth could benefit much from computers and the internet, they were equally exposed to all manner of negative effects, such as exposure to pornographic sites and the addiction to computer games.
“This is why parents need to get involved to ensure their children use the computer for the right things and avoid negative things,” he stated.
A resource person on Social Media for the US Embassy, Mr Nathaniel Yankson said the students were showing a lot of enthusiasm for the training.
“Many of them have tried on their own to learn these things and so this training seems to have come at an opportune time for them,” he stated.
Mr Yankson noted that the aim of the US Embassy was to nurture the creative writing abilities of the youth by giving them skills to write their daily experiences in life and publish them on their blogs.

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